Saturday, January 23, 2010

dare you to love me . . .

Yesterday was a good day. started out with some family time to remember my stepdad who has passed, then lunch at in-n-out. comfort food, just like home. and then off i went to park city. met up with andrew, who is ummm like totally my new bff, in fact at times it feels like he is my only friend. we drank a random beer, listened to some good music, that im actually listening to as i wrtie this, and then we off we went to baja for happy meals. 3 of those flew by and we headed off to bowling in heber of all places, and as i waited to ask a question about the jukebox i actually heard this conversation
employee - " hey there jim, hows that tractor comin along. you getter rigged up yet"
jim - "still workin onner, bestsy went a lil offer rocker so i been dealin with that the past few days"
employee - "betsy! that ol horse still alive?!"

i can only hope that betsy was indeed a horse and not a metaphor for jims wife. anyways
bowling was super fun, different but rad. i didnt win, but i was okay with that, the company i was in was well worth it
after that we ventured to mainstreet for some mischeif. my first time at harryo's or however you spell the stupid name, not impressed to big too hollyood too boots with the fur and such
then wound up with two locals girls i know from ciseros, let the boys run ahead to figure out a party sitch. only to get stuck in a convo about relationships and this and that and ughhhhhhh not what i wanted so i opted out as soon as they werent looking and headed down to the grey goose party to meet up with my "boyfriends"
drunk and silly i jumped off a ledge into what i assumed was packed snow, even though it had snowed all day? go figure. so when i jumped, i sank. in a mini, talk about a chill
andrew helped boost me over the wall and into the party i was. gets a little fuzzy here, but i know we were treated extra special, had some incidents with bottles, got in a cab and woke up this morning. great night, hearts to it
and then today, oh today, what a waste of a day, nothing but sat and ate and watched movies. not so bad though i guess when the weather was the way it was. and now tomorrow back to work . . .excited.
more to come . . . . . .its just friday err saturday . . .whatever

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