Sunday, March 7, 2010

distance makes my heart grow fonder

the other night jake and i were standing outside smoking and he asked me about my friends.
it was a short conversation with an eternal affect.
i started to think about my girlfriends. i mean really think about them. in that moment and every moment since i cant stop thinking about these selly betches.
to say i am blessed would be an understatement. i think about each one induvidually. all little peices so different but so the same, all fitting perfectly together to form something that cant even be put into words. but cant go un noticed.

Kelly - aka keith aka kelbel aka little kami - the young one, the so called innocent one, which i suppose she honestly was until i took over. the dancer, the always, and i mean always, girl who can put a smile on your face. by the book, obeys the rules. turns any story into an inside joke. cries only when neccessary. a light that is impossible to turn off and youd go broke paying the electric bill just to keep her around.

Tasha - aka tish aka nathan aka dasah - the bad ass. bitchy at times and doesnt give a fuck. so quick witted you never know what hit you. big fabulous fake boobs that we are all secretly jealous of. independent to say the least. would punch a girl in the face for you, litterally. loves ranch. honest, brutally honest. will never tell you what you want to hear, but always what you need to. my music buddy. no show is the same if shes not there with me.

Brin - aka bernice aka bren aka ahi tuna wraps - the . . .there are no words to describe her one. a smile the size of texas. always has a nickname in store. loves speaking in accents. has no shame, the girl has never been embarrassed a day in her life. can make me laugh like no other. so many inside jokes that at times i forget. a party girl, like PARTY girl. sweetest face, dirty mouth. i could spend everyday with her and never get annoyed. ive seen this girl inside and out, like really, and couldnt love a soul more.

Laura - aka lawddy aka taco - the slutty one. but not in a bad way :) laughs at anything, the girl will make you feel like jim carey no matter what you say. snorts louder than a prize hog. has a hard time walking in heels when drunk. takes steroids, wants to be a fireman. strongest bitch i know. has been known to party. the only girl i could call at 7 am and shes up and wants to go to daily grind too. the biggest heart. loves her girlfriends and always lets us know. probably the only person in the world that could actually get me to drink super pump and then work out, and then make me puke all afternoon and because its her, id do it all over again

Michaelyn - aka mikey- aka mike - the bitch. sharp tongue and isnt afraid to use it. ALWAYS working. never gets to party with us but when she does, look out! my roomate. my fast food buddy. gets drunk, likes to buy the entire bar a round of mind erasers. snorts too. undercover ho, and good at it. the BEST body of anyone, no question. beyond smart. beyond beautiful. the prettiest green eyes ever. gives good advice, needs to learn how to take it. loves boys and boys love her. sometimes i think she is a boy, or a lesbian. always knows what to say to make me feel better. i miss her everyday that i wake up and realize . . .im not in sb anymore

Sara - aka simon aka simona - the bumpkin. the one with a boyfriend. a country girl at heart. serious at times. likes to drink. loves dominos. will tell you like it is. dont piss her off. a pretty girl that loves her pretty friends. " wants us to stick together" gets wild. not one to dress slutty. a bartender. always makes good apps and throws a good party. a good girlfriend to us and randy. works hard plays hard. no other girl like her

my best friends. my mexuals.

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